On the New Sabbath: Weaving a Life of Wonder

Image by Chris Neufeld-Erdman, Wastwater, with a view toward Scafell Pike, Lake District, UK

Image by Chris Neufeld-Erdman, Wastwater, with a view toward Scafell Pike, Lake District, UK

On November 12, Davis Community Church began a three week series last week called, "The Three Practics: Sabbath and Self-Care and Service". Here's is a link to my sermon on Sabbath. 

And here's a tidy summary: 

Sabbath is not so much about rest but about a way of life that is woven with wonder and awe. By practicing some kind of sabbath regularly we find our bodies and souls opened to a sense of the Eternal--the "intimations of immortality" that come to us through wonder. Sabbath is about creating space-in-time . . . about living in time differently, weaving a tapestry of time that is life-giving, that unites us with the rhythms of nature, and that is health-giving to ourselves and naturally, then, to others and to the Earth itself.

Abraham Joshua Heschel's remarkable and thin little book, Sabbath, takes pride of place in reflections on the practice of Sabbath.  Find it here.