Following up on yesterday's post about Samir Selmanovic’s new book, "It's All About God" What can we learn from those who pray from within another tradition?  How do the mystics transcend the God-boxes of religion, while living fully and freely and unashamedly from within their traditions?

The 13th-century-Persian-Sufi-mystic (jeez, too many adjectives!), Rumi, is one of those.

RumiHere's one who can help us transcend the resurgent religious wars of this 21st century.  And here's a podcast interview between Speaking of Faith's Krista Tippet and  Dr. Fatemeh Keshavarz.  A delightful romp with Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī as professor Keshavarz explores the way Rumi improvises on the Islamic tradition in ways that transcends the divisions of today's world.

Click here for the podcast.  The site includes reading and a video performance of Rumi's poetry.