I practice loving God alone---who alone satisfies, making every other thought as nothing. This is not rest, but leads to rest. It is in this practice that habits are formed, and from habits comes virtue---that inner freedom from all false loves to love the only thing that should be loved, God, in whom the relinquishment of all other things gives us Everything. The author of The Cloud of Unknowing calls this "forgetting." Julian of Norwich says that "we need to know the littleness of all created beings and set at nothing everything that is made," so we can love God "who is unmade."

I pray this way so that I may be so bound to God and not to myself and the lower loves.  I pray this way so that as Julian also says, there may be "no created things between my God and me"---not even a single thought to cloud my vision of God's glory or shade my heart from God's love.