Circles of Strength are small, intentional gatherings of people drawn together by a desire to co-create the kind of world we wish to live in.  We gather around two essential goals: 1. we identify our desires to improve our world, and 2. together, we grow our sense of strength so we can make a difference.

Around us, millions of Americans are rising up to meet the environmental, social, and political challenges of the 21st century.  

Rather than feeling disempowered or disillusioned, people like us want to do something useful to transcend barriers, overcome hostilities, and create programs, products, movements and opportunities that contribute to the common good in our neighborhoods, cities, nation, and around the planet.  

Circles of Strength are small gatherings of 3 or more people (no more than 5).  They are intentional in that they meet at least every other week for at least an hour to check in with each other around a series of questions like:

  • What am I feeling passionate about? And why?
  • What is a problem or injustice I cannot allow to remain unchallenged?
  • What would I like to do about it?
  • What gifts do I have to address it?
  • What gets in the way or holds me back?
  • What progress have I made since we last met?
  • What do I need to take the next step?

Circles don’t need a trained leader, but they do need a common commitment from each other to listen more than give advice, and to help others find their passion.  Through meeting together and talking about our desires for a better world, we help foster accountability, hope, and follow-through. (And when we fail or repeatedly bang into walls, we help each other find new direction.)   

Find a few other people, create a circle, and begin to change your world.


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